Vintage Sideboard, Antique Sideboard, Large Neoclassical Sideboard


Item: Antique Sideboard in Neoclassical Style (walnut wood).

Age & Condition: Circa 1915. Refinished and restored. Some old repairs to the finial. A little damage on the backsplash.

Dimensions: 66″ wide x 25″ deep x 51″ to top of backsplash (37.5″ to surface).

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Large vintage sideboard with a very unique and beautiful design. This large Neoclassical sideboard has so much detail and charm!

Antique Sideboard

This large antique sideboard has an impressive look! It features a fairly open design, with a large shelf across the bottom, and three shallow drawers on top. Certainly, this design makes it appear less heavy for its 5 and 1/2 ft length.

The sideboard has a lot of pretty details. It has two fluted legs in the front. Additionally, it has a spiral pediment in the back that almost looks like a corbel supporting the top. Also, the antique sideboard has a beautiful arched backsplash, punctuated by a lovely carved pediment. The pediment features a central urn-shaped piece and two carved swags that add quite a bit of elegance to the piece.

Finally, the brass hardware has a really pretty design and weight, with rosettes backing each carved pull.

Large Neoclassical Sideboard

Certainly, this large neoclassical sideboard could make quite a statement in a dining room. Additionally, it could be used in a hallway or large foyer.

We refinished this piece in order to bring it back to life. It has a few areas of wear: along the bottom of the backsplash. Also, it appears the central decorative urn and swags may have been repaired at a later date.

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