Antique Desk, Federal Desk, Inlaid Federal Desk


Item: Antique Federal Period Desk with Inlay.

Age & Condition: Circa 1810. Restored finish. Glass top.

Dimensions: 42″ wide x 20″ deep x 35″ tall (31″ to writing surface).

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Striking and amazing antique desk with beautiful federal style inlay. This period desk has amazing details and shows well for its 200 years of age.

Antique Desk

Of course, this mahogany desk is amazing because of the beautiful inlay on the drawers. Also, it has a lovely mahogany gallery that wraps around the desk. Finally, it has beautiful turned legs.

Additionally, a piece of glass has been fitted to the inside of the desk, so that it also is a useful antique.

Federal Desk

Certainly, this antique Federal desk is special because of its history. And also how beautifully it epitomizes Federal Furniture. The lovely clean lines, symmetry and beautiful fan style inlay really make it something special.

We restored the finish on this desk in order to bring it back to life. It shows well, but certainly has signs of age and character.

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